Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Preparing for the Infinite Suburb
Hyperloop-One has a Q&A with Alan Berger and Joel Kotkin, co-authors of an upcoming book titled "Infinite Suburbia". This is the third in a series of conversations during Infrastructure Week.

Bay Area Residents (Rightly) Expect Traffic to Get Worse
by Wendell Cox
In a just released poll by the Bay Area Council a majority of respondents indicated an expectation that traffic congestion in the Bay Area (the San Jose-San Francisco combined statistical area) is likely to get worse.

Urban Leaders Should Plan for the Public Transit of the Future
by John S. Niles
Self-driving, automated cars are coming. There will be teething pains in many forms: some people will want highly automated vehicles while others will fear them.

Transit Ridership Down 2.3% in 2016
by Randal O'Toole
With little fanfare, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) released its fourth quarter 2016 ridership report last week. When ridership goes up, the group usually issues a big press release...

To Reunite America, Liberate Cities to Govern Themselves
by Joel Kotkin and Richard Florida
Even setting the dysfunction of our national government, the fact is that no top-down, one-size-fits-all set of policies can address the very different conditions that prevail among communities.

The Other California: a Flyover State Within a State
by Joel Kotkin
California may never secede, or divide into different states, but it has effectively split into entities that could not be more different.

The Sad State of the University Degree for Planners & Designers
By Rick Harrison
For the past four decades, technology has improved nearly all aspects of our life - except for the physical land development patterns of our cities.

Portland Housing Stupidity Grows
by Randal O'Toole
Here’s an incredibly stupid idea to deal with Portland’s housing affordability problems: Multnomah County proposes to build tiny houses in people’s backyard.

The Quest for Food Freedom
by Aaron M. Renn
Mariza Ruelas currently faces up to two years in jail in California for the crime of selling ceviche through a Facebook food group. Welcome to the mad world of American food regulation.

Taxpayers Need Protection from Dallas-Houston High Speed Rail Bailout? New Report
by Wendell Cox
The proposed privately financed high-speed rail line from Houston to Dallas is projected to have a revenue shortfall of $21.5 billion in its first 40 years...