Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

China’s Planned City Bubble Is About to Pop—and Even You’ll Feel It
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — U.S. housing planners have long ignored the public’s desire for...

How California Could Have Avoided Its Epic Water Crisis
By Alex Manning — California's water crisis is the disaster everybody saw coming but nobody had the political will to stop: Joel Kotkin discusses the Golden State disaster...

Opportunity Urbanism: A Novel Idea For U.S. Cities
By Scott Beyer...
As the U.S. grows more urban and diverse,…

How to Develop Detroit
By Rick Harrison — Detroit's downtown is gentrifying— or, to be more accurate, a very small portion...

Maximizing Opportunity Urbanism with Robin Hood Planning
By Tory Gattis — How enlightened planners can be champions...

Gattis: MetroRail – the good, the bad and the ugly
By Tory Gattis
New rail lines show value but also gaps in…

California is so Over
By Joel Kotkin:
California has met the future, and it really…

Is Suburbia Crashing? Suburban Traffic Myths Refuted
By Fanis Grammenos and Tom Kerwin
Traffic crashes are a cause…

Does Fast-Growing Houston Need A Master Plan?
By Scott Beyer
It was only a matter of time.…

Asian augmentation
By Joel Kotkin & Wendell Cox...
California, our beautiful,…