Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Demographia United States Housing Affordability – 2023 Edition Released
Demographia United States Housing Affordability rates housing affordability using the median multiple, a measurement of income in relation to housing prices, or 174 major markets (metropolitan areas) for the third quarter of 2022.

Urban Doom Loop Coming for Cities with Commercial Real Estate Crash
As cities experience a rapid decline in commercial real estate value; they face difficult choices that could make them less attractive, triggering a “urban doom loop” that pushes more people away, hurts revenue, and perpetuates a cycle of decline.

Harris County, Drop Basic Income and Address Cost of Living
Harris County taxpayers might be much better served by addressing the county's escalating cost of living rather than expanding their guaranteed basic income pilot program.

Texas Transportation Projects Update
Texas transportation projects update: the legislative regular session ended on Memorial Day. Transportation related issues were mostly low priority, and the Senate focused mainly on a few important long-term funding bills.

BRT Should Use Shared Not Dedicated Lanes, HTX #1 real estate market, and more
METRO's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) plan should use shared lanes rather than dedicated lanes to minimize traffic congestion.

Is the 18 year Rebuild of 45N a Good Thing or Will it Kill Downtown?
Will the two decades long rebuild of 45N eventually ease traffic, or will it cause employers to move to the suburbs and permanently shift to remote work, killing economic vitality in the downtown area of Houston?

Texas’ Burdensome Licensing Requirements
Texas ranks as the 18th most burdensome state for licensing requirements despite recent attempts to address overly burdensome occupational licensing.

Demographia International Housing Affordability – 2023 Edition Released
Demographia International Housing Affordability rates middle-income housing affordability in 92 major housing markets in eight nations: Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States). This edition covers the third quarter (September quarter) of 2021.

City of Houston Sneaking Through Backdoor Zoning
The City of Houston is trying to sneak through backdoor zoning with an ordinance authorizing "conservation districts". This legislation is open for public comment: we've included the link to make your opposition heard.

Empty Downtowns, Blue-state Exodus Continues, and HTX Port Expansion
Empty downtowns persist as data shows strong economic incentives to continue the work-from-home revolution if jobs allow it, plus Houston port expansion seems to be paying off.