Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

California’s Climate Extremism
by Joel Kotkin — Environmental extremism increasingly dominates California. The state is making a concerted attack on energy companies in the courts; a bill is pending in the legislature to fine waiters $1,000—or jail them—if they offer people plastic straws

Landless Americans Are the New Serf Class
by Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — For the better part of the past century, the American dream was defined, in large part, by that “universal aspiration” to own a home. As housing prices continue to outstrip household income, that’s changing as more and more younger Americans are ending up landless, and not by choice.

Trump’s Infrastructure Plan is a Rare, and Potentially Bipartisan, Feel Good Moment
President Trump's proposed trillion dollar plus infrastructure program represents a rare, and potentially united feel good moment. Yet before we jump into a massive re-do of our transportation, water and electrical systems, it's critical to make sure we get some decent bang for the federal buck.

The Price of Texas Growth: Housing Affordability
by Dr. Luis Torres — During the housing recovery, Texas price gains uncharacteristically outpaced those at the national level from December 2010 to June 2017, pushing home prices to record highs.

Ending Economic Apartheid
by Randal O'Toole — Thanks to its greenbelt and slow-growth policies, Boulder, Colorado is the nation’s most-expensive and least-affordable housing market of any city not in a coastal state.

Local Empowerment Should Be About Local Matters
I've generally been someone who wants to see local governments…

How to Deal with an Age of Disasters
by Joel Kotkin — When Hurricane Harvey flooded Houston, followed by a strong hurricane in Florida, much of the media response indicated that the severe weather was a sign of catastrophic climate change...

Houston Land Use Gets Bad Rap
by Wendell Cox — Yes, the Houston metropolitan area storm was so intense that no plan could have prevented the flooding devastation. Yet, through the years, Houston’s land use regulation has been roundly criticized...

Spotlight on Infrastructure After Harvey
by Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — The recent tragic events in Houston and across the Gulf Coast once again demonstrated the woeful inadequacy of our infrastructure. Hopefully, some good will come of Hurricane Harvey.

A Roadmap to Job-Creating Transportation Infrastructure
In this report on the nation's infrastructure, Wendell Cox explores the best ways to address broad public concern about our flagging transportation infrastructure without increasing both the national debt and federal deficit.