Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Klineberg plugs Houspitality, HTX outbuilds NYC, escape from New York, and more
by Tory Gattis — if you're looking for something new to read during this lockdown, I wanted to suggest a new book from Rice's Stephen Klineberg: The Prophetic City - Houston on the Cusp of a Changing America, all about how we've evolved over recent decades through the lens of his annual Houston Area Survey. Houston Strategies and Houspitality get a mention!

The City of Houston’s Problematic Requests for the I-45N Project
by Erik Slotboom — Within weeks or months of a record of decision on this 10 year plan — the I-45N project, CoH is abruptly changing its position and is requesting drastic changes that are harmful to mobility, safety, and aesthetics.

The Oil Crash Solution, Sprawl vs. COVID-19, and More
by Tory Gattis — An oil crash solution: a guaranteed price floor for U.S. oil producers would prevent job losses for skilled engineers and multibillion-dollar bailouts for U.S. oil companies; strengthen our energy security and accelerate our clean energy transition.

Stop Bagby Closure, Oil Import Tariffs, MaX Lanes, Covid-19 vs Density vs Heat
Want to stop closure of the Bagby and Brazos entrance/exit to/from the 59 Spur? There's now a opposition website to the closure where you can sign the petition.

The Best Posts from the First 15 Years and 1.5 Million Pageviews
This week marks the first 15 years of Houston Strategies with our 1,280th post. We're also up to more than 1.5 million pageviews, not counting views at Houston Chronicle and elsewhere.

Studying the Wrong Cities Will Lead to Repeating Their Mistakes
by Ross Elliott — The junket factor must be the only logical criteria by which various industry “study tours” overseas are planned. How else to explain how entirely inappropriate the choices are? The list of cities identified for “study” by Australian development and planning industry bodies reads like the pages of a glossy weekend travel magazine

To The Economist: Planning, Not Home Ownership, Caused the Housing Crisis
by Wendell Cox — The January 16, 2020 cover story in The Economist magazine trumpeted “The West’s biggest economic policy mistake: It’s obsession with home ownership undermines growth, fairness and public faith in capitalism...”

Mayors Won’t Rule the World
by Joel Kotkin — Earlier in this decade, cities—the bigger and denser the better—appeared as the planet’s geographic stars. According to the 2013 book If Mayors Ruled the World, everyone would be better off if state rule were replaced by rule from the most evolved urban areas.

Promoting the Houston model in South Africa, Morocco, and California
I'm back! Apologies for the sporadic posts in October - it was…

Proposing an Autonomous Transit Service for Houston
Tory Gattis covers transit issues: Houston needs a forward-thinking solution when planning transit that will be in place for the upcoming decades. Autonomous vehicles are that solution and Houston can be the leader in pioneering autonomous systems for public transit..