Building the New America: Report on trends shaping the migration of people and jobs

Report: Building the New America

How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.
President Donald Trump at WEF

A Year Into Trump’s Peasant Rebellion

by Joel Kotkin — A year into office, Donald Trump remains something of an unlikely figure: a self-promoting and well-heeled demagogue who leads a bedraggled coalition of piratical capitalists, southerners, and people from the has-been or never were towns of Middle America.

The Screwed Millennial Generation Gets Smart

by Joel Kotkin — It’s been seven years since I wrote about “the screwed generation.” The story told has since become familiar: Millennials, then largely in their twenties, faced a future of limited economic opportunity
Kowloon, HK

Housing Affordability and the Standard of Living: The 14th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey

by Wendell Cox — For the eighth year in a row, the Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey shows Hong Kong to be the least affordable housing market (metropolitan area) in nine nations.
Chicago River, Downtown

The Migration of Millions: 2017 State Population Estimates

by Wendell Cox — Texas added the most new residents of any state over the past year according to the July 1, 2017 estimates of the United States Census Bureau.
Rockefeller Center

Suburbs & Exurbs Grab Nearly All Metropolitan Growth

by Wendell Cox — The pattern of suburban (and exurban) population growth in the suburbs and exurbs that has dominated the United States since World War II has returned and is intensifying.
LA transit metro system map

Los Angeles Transit Ridership Losses Lead National Decline

by Wendell Cox — In recent days, two well placed commentaries have detailed the recent declines both in US transit ridership, and in particular, Los Angeles, where the decline is most severe.

Elusive Population Growth in the City of Los Angeles

by Wendell Cox — For the better part of two decades, Los Angeles County has led the nation in domestic migration losses – the number of people moving out compared to those moving in.

California’s Coming Youth Deficit

by Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — Images of California, particularly the southern coast, are embedded with those associated with youthfulness. In reality, the state is falling behind in growth of its youthful population...
Photo credit: Clicsouris via Wikimedia

The Great Train Robbery: Urban Transportation in the 21st Century

Co-authors Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox investigate the evolution of transit, identifying where and how various types of public transit work well, and how we can maximize the benefits of transit funding.
Orlando, FL housing market

Forget the Urban Stereotypes: What Millennial America Really Looks Like

Perhaps no generation has been more spoken for than millennials. In the mainstream press, they are almost universally portrayed as aspiring urbanistas, waiting to move into the nation’s dense and expensive core cities.