Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Making Sense of Urban Density, Death Rates & Dispersion with Wendell Cox
In this episode of the Feudal Future podcast, urban policy expert and noted demographer Wendell Cox joins hosts Joel and Marshall for a conversation on the COVID-19 pandemic, death rates, and public policy.

The Twilight of Great American Cities is Here. Can We Stop It?
The dreadful death of George Floyd lit a fire that threatens to burn down America’s cities. Already losing population before the pandemic, our major urban centers have provided ideal kindling for conflagration with massive unemployment, closed businesses and already rising crime rates.

Combined Statistical Areas: Ready for the Dispersion Demand
by Wendell Cox — The years to come seem likely to see America’s historic population dispersion continue or accelerate, as pandemic and lockdown worries have severely reduced the attractiveness of dense urban cores.

Social Bonds are Fraying Fast in America’s Cities
by Samuel J. Abrams — The social fabric in our cities is not only rapidly breaking down, but the pandemic has also accelerated American’s interest in leaving cities for places where geography enables social bonds with others to be stronger.

Beyond Feudalism: Addressing California’s Inequality Crisis (Live Event)
On the 6th Feudal Future episode, discuss California's inequality crisis and how state policy changes could restore the middle class.

From Tragedy to Opportunity: We Could Live Better When Today’s Mayhem Ends
by Joel Kotkin — Beyond the depressing statistics, the deserted malls, the looted or abandoned Main Streets, lies the potential to use the pandemic to create the impetus for better, more sustainable and family-centric communities.

Domestic Migration to Dispersion Accelerates (Even Before COVID)
by Wendell Cox — In what could turn out to be a “dry run” for the post-COVID19 era, net domestic migration has strongly shifted away from the larger metropolitan areas, to smaller areas.

The Oil Crash Solution, Sprawl vs. COVID-19, and More
by Tory Gattis — An oil crash solution: a guaranteed price floor for U.S. oil producers would prevent job losses for skilled engineers and multibillion-dollar bailouts for U.S. oil companies; strengthen our energy security and accelerate our clean energy transition.

The Lifeblood of America
by Aaron M. Renn — Shutdowns mandated by the coronavirus are a pending apocalypse for small businesses, which employ 48 percent of American workers. Businesses that either can’t reopen or are suffering a big drop in revenue will soon be insolvent. Some have already announced that they will be shutting down.

The Coronavirus is Changing the Future of Home, Work, and Life
The COVID-19 pandemic will be shaping how we live, work and learn about the world long after the last lockdown ends and toilet paper hoarding is done, accelerating shifts that were already underway including the dispersion of population out of the nation’s densest urban areas and the long-standing trend away from mass transit and office concentration towards flatter and often home-based employment.