Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Perspectives on Defining the American Heartland
by Ross DeVol — When one hears “American Heartland”–specific images and cultural values come to mind. And yet, a widely shared vision of what geographic region truly comprises the American Heartland has so far proved elusive.

Localism in America
Edited by Joel Kotkin and Ryan Streeter, “Localism in America” highlights the promise, and limits of taking on big challenges at the local level.

Millennials Search for Home…On Their Terms
How are millennials affecting the housing market? As millennials come of age and the older tier in particular begins to settle down, there are four key trends worth noting.

COU Standard of Living Index 2017 – 2nd Annual Edition
In this policy brief, The COU Standard of Living Index, Wendell Cox provides cost of living estimates for new entrants to metropolitan markets, including prospective home buyers as well as renters.

Hurricane Harvey Whitepaper
In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and the disastrous flooding, Houston has come under extreme scrutiny. Much of the current debate starts from a firm misunderstanding of the region’s realities.

A Roadmap to Job-Creating Transportation Infrastructure
In this report on the nation's infrastructure, Wendell Cox explores the best ways to address broad public concern about our flagging transportation infrastructure without increasing both the national debt and federal deficit.

The Great Train Robbery: Urban Transportation in the 21st Century
Co-authors Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox investigate the evolution of transit, identifying where and how various types of public transit work well, and how we can maximize the benefits of transit funding.

MaX Lanes: A Next Generation Strategy for Affordable Proximity
The core urban challenge of our time is ‘affordable proximity’: how can ever larger numbers of people live and interact economically with each other while keeping the cost of living - especially housing - affordable?

Report on the New American Heartland
by Michael Lind and Joel Kotkin
The greatest test America faces is whether it can foster the kind of growth that benefits and expands the middle class. To do so, the United States will need to meet three challenges...

Taxpayers Need Protection from Dallas-Houston High Speed Rail Bailout? New Report
by Wendell Cox
The proposed privately financed high-speed rail line from Houston to Dallas is projected to have a revenue shortfall of $21.5 billion in its first 40 years...