Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Post HTX Diversity, Housing Costs Hurt Education and more
by Tory Gattis — Big increases in housing costs since 2000 have likely eaten most of the wage premium return from getting a college education, reducing the incentive to invest in education.

Ultimate Agglomeration Diseconomy: The Standard of Living
Wendell Cox — It is hard to imagine a more destructive agglomeration effect than reducing the standard of living. Yet this is what the loss of housing affordability does.

Census 2021 Estimates: Increased Dispersion
by Wendell Cox — Increased dispersion began before COVID, but accelerated in 2021 with what the Census Bureau characterized as “a shift from larger, more populous counties to medium and smaller ones.”

Higher Urban Densities Associated with the Worst Housing Affordability
by Wendell Cox — Densification of existing urban areas leads to worse housing affordability, according to a recent study of 53 major US markets.

Demographia International Housing Affordability – 2022 Edition Released
Demographia International Housing Affordability rates middle-income housing affordability in 92 major housing markets in eight nations: Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States). This edition covers the third quarter (September quarter) of 2021.

The URI Next American Cities Report, Texas MUDs as a Model
This newly released report from Urban Reform Institute examines the places that offer opportunity for a revitalized American Dream for more citizens.

The Next American Cities, a New Report from Urban Reform Institute
by Charles Blain — Our recently released report, The Next American Cities, offers an answer to the problems plaguing those living in and near major cities, with a combination of affordability, amenities, and proximity to jobs.

Preventing big infrastructure failures, mass migration to Texas and more
by Tory Gattis — To prevent big infrastructure failures, we need to compare a proposed project estimate to similar projects actual costs BEFORE a project goes through the approval process.

Demographia United States Housing Affordability, 2021 Edition
The Urban Reform Institute is pleased to present the 2021 edition of Demographia United States Housing Affordability.

Political Guide for Moving to Texas, Houston No-Zoning Video, and More
by Tory Gattis — This week's post starts with my political guide for moving to Texas: progressives to Austin, conservatives to DFW, and pragmatic centrists and independents to Houston.