Tag Archive for: feature

Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

David Hutzelman & Tory Gattis discuss Opportunity Urbanism

Economic Progress is More Effective Than Protests
By Joel Kotkin
Ta-Nehisi Coates and the new wave of black…

What Jane Jacobs Got Wrong About Cities
By Joel Kotkin
The peerless urban theorist misunderstood…

Opportunity Urbanism: A Novel Idea For U.S. Cities
By Scott Beyer...
As the U.S. grows more urban and diverse,…

How to Develop Detroit
By Rick Harrison — Detroit's downtown is gentrifying— or, to be more accurate, a very small portion...

Maximizing Opportunity Urbanism with Robin Hood Planning
By Tory Gattis — How enlightened planners can be champions...

Why Some Cities Are Better For Minorities Than Others
Jacksonville, Florida, wins the prize for best American…

The California Dream has Moved Away
By Wendell Cox
Southern California faces a serious middle…

Mall’s Washed Up? Not Quite Yet
By Joel Kotkin — The conventional wisdom wrote off the shopping mall long ago, but while no one was looking, the reinvented mall...

Best Poverty Cure: Escape from Baltimore
By William McGurn — New evidence shows minorities now do better in the American South. Of all the “solutions” for post-riot Baltimore, the best poverty cure...