Tag Archive for: feature

Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Kotkin, Cox: Light rail in the Sun Belt is a poor fit
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox
There is an effective lobby…

The Cities Americans Are Thronging To And Fleeing
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox
Cities get ranked in numerous…

It’s becoming springtime for dictators
By Joel Kotkin
In a rare burst of independence and self-interest,…

The way to kill a complex city is to chase out all the poor people – and their food
By Samantha Gillison
When greed makes a place like New…

The Energy Election
By Joel Kotkin
Blessed by Pope Francis, the drive to wipe…

China’s Planned City Bubble Is About to Pop—and Even You’ll Feel It
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — U.S. housing planners have long ignored the public’s desire for...

Putting People First
By Wendell Cox
An Alternative Perspective with an Evaluation…

How California Could Have Avoided Its Epic Water Crisis
By Alex Manning — California's water crisis is the disaster everybody saw coming but nobody had the political will to stop: Joel Kotkin discusses the Golden State disaster...

Black Exodus: African-America Children to the Suburbs
By Wendell Cox — One of the most significant results of the 2010 census was the continuing shift of the African-American population...

Wave of migrants will give Europe an extreme makeover
By Joel Kotkin
The massive, ongoing surge of migrants…