Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Houston 1st in Standard of Living Confirmed, 2nd in Fortune 500 HQs
METRO has way too much money for too few riders, and the City could desperately use that money to be redeployed to much higher priorities, like police, street repairs, or just closing the chronic budget gap.

METRO Need to Support Higher Priorities for Houston
METRO has way too much money for too few riders, and the City could desperately use that money to be redeployed to much higher priorities, like police, street repairs, or just closing the chronic budget gap.

Save Our Cities
To save our cities, it’s time to create better neighborhoods where people will want to spend their time — instead of building ever bigger high-rise office buildings.

Urban Sprawl, the Environmentally Friendly Answer to Expensive Housing
Where governments have embraced such things as “urban growth boundaries” and greenbelts that restrict new housing on the fringe, expensive housing is the result.

More on METRO’s Uptown BRT Failure
A Houston bus rapid transit (BRT) route over dedicated bus lanes is attracting less than 10 percent of the riders that were projected for it.

Public Perceptions on Crime are more Legitimate than Politicians Think
Concerns over public safety can be one of the most polarizing policy issues that divide Americans. The past years of mainstream journalism would have convinced the people that inefficient police forces are the source of the problem...

Induced Demand Debunked
Does "induced demand" make road projects futile? Most new demand on expanded roads comes from new population, new employment and economic activity — which is normally considered to be a good thing.

Urban Doom Loop Coming for Cities with Commercial Real Estate Crash
As cities experience a rapid decline in commercial real estate value; they face difficult choices that could make them less attractive, triggering a “urban doom loop” that pushes more people away, hurts revenue, and perpetuates a cycle of decline.

The Future of Cities: Conclusion
Over five millennia, cities have demonstrated their essential resiliency. They now are transforming to a pattern based on digital commuting.

The Future of Cities: Next Generation American Suburbs
Next generation suburbs can be designed to preserve the environment, and advantage that urban core cities could never achieve.