Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

The Future of Cities: The Texas Triangle
The metropolitan areas that form the “Texas Triangle” —Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio— are emerging as distinctive models of 21st century urbanism.

The Era of Urban Supremacy is Over
Wendell Cox — a founding fellow at the Urban Reform Institute and a principal of Demographia, an international public policy firm — pointed out that the pandemic and the accompanying surge in remote work have wreaked havoc on urban transit systems.

The Future of Cities: Indianapolis
Indianapolis was an unlikely candidate to emerge as a midwestern demographic and economic leader. It is an artificially created city, chosen by fiat as a centrally located capital for the state of Indiana.

The Future of Cities: Recalibrating Expectations: Lessons From Youngstown, Ohio
What lessons can we learn from Youngstown, Ohio as it responded to steel industry job losses between 1977 and 2020, resulting in a need to recalibrate expectations?

The Future of Cities: Africa’s Urban Future
The continent is now home to 12 of the world's largest cities and four megacities — and more importantly, Africa has the world's fastest-growing urban population.

The Future of Cities: The Future of Chinese Cities
China represents the cutting edge of 21st century urbanism. The successes and failures of Chinese cities will shape global perceptions of city life around the world.

Views from The Left Coast
The Western US has long been an innovator in developing the urban form, notably in the creation of suburbanized, multipolar cities. Yet now that model is showing strain, and there’s a fierce debate about how western cities should grow.

The Future of Cities: The Future of the Big American City Is Not Bright
As COVID-19 begins to wane and become endemic, the question for policymakers, theorists, and Americans at large is: What is in store for our nation's big cities? Please return weekly to read each chapter as it is published.

Future of Cities Event: Speaker Panel February 9
The Texas Triangle is a distinctive model for 21st century urbanism, even after the pandemic. What is it that policy leaders can learn from the success of Texas cities? Please join us as this panel discusses their recent release, The Future of Cities, and how urban areas can reshape themselves in a post-COVID-19 world.

The Future of Cities: The Great Dispersion
This chapter describes general urbanization trends in the United States and around the world, from 1950 to the present. This book is being published as a series, with permission of the American Enterprise Institute. Please return weekly to read each chapter as it is published.