Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

How to Make Cities Livable Again
By Joel Kotkin — In his new book, The Human City, Daily Beast columnist Joel Kotkin looks at the ways cities succeed or fail...

Politics Move Left, Americans Move Right
By Joel Kotkin — In an election year in which the top likely candidates come from New York, big cities arguably dominate American politics more than at any time since New Deal.

Our anemic suburbs: Every urban area needs its outskirts — and New York City’s are in trouble
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — Little acknowledged in the discussion of New York’s “tale of two cities” is...

The Remarkable Story of the County That Has Done the Most to Reduce Income Inequality in America
By Chris Peak — Indiana Officials didn't set out to close the wealth gap. But that's exactly what...

So Much For The Death Of Sprawl: America’s Exurbs Are Booming
By Joel Kotkin — It’s time to put an end to the urban legend of the impending death of America’s suburbs. With the aging of millennials...

Black Exodus: African-America Children to the Suburbs
By Wendell Cox — One of the most significant results of the 2010 census was the continuing shift of the African-American population...

Mall’s Washed Up? Not Quite Yet
By Joel Kotkin — The conventional wisdom wrote off the shopping mall long ago, but while no one was looking, the reinvented mall...

Better Suburbs = Better Cities: Employment and the Importance of the Suburban Economy
By Ross Elliot — Australia’s inner city areas and CBDs are a focus of media and public policy attention, with good reason...

Dispersion and Concentration in Metropolitan Employment
By Wendall Cox
The just released County Business Patterns indicates…

Is Suburbia Crashing? Suburban Traffic Myths Refuted
By Fanis Grammenos and Tom Kerwin
Traffic crashes are a cause…