Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Urban Sprawl, the Environmentally Friendly Answer to Expensive Housing
Where governments have embraced such things as “urban growth boundaries” and greenbelts that restrict new housing on the fringe, expensive housing is the result.

Housing Costs vs Fertility, YIMBY Righteousness and more
Housing costs show a strong correlation with fertility decline: as economies grow and people get wealthier, they want more space per person, and if they can't afford it, they shrink their family size to compensate.

The Value that Mobility Adds to Quality of Life, and more
The value that mobility adds to a person's quality of life is considered in a study on access to jobs via driving or transit, with the finding that, "larger accessibility (via more possible trips within a given time frame) leads to greater economic productivity."

Texas Transportation Projects Update
Texas transportation projects update: the legislative regular session ended on Memorial Day. Transportation related issues were mostly low priority, and the Senate focused mainly on a few important long-term funding bills.

BRT Should Use Shared Not Dedicated Lanes, HTX #1 real estate market, and more
METRO's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) plan should use shared lanes rather than dedicated lanes to minimize traffic congestion.

The Future of Cities: Conclusion
Over five millennia, cities have demonstrated their essential resiliency. They now are transforming to a pattern based on digital commuting.

Is the 18 year Rebuild of 45N a Good Thing or Will it Kill Downtown?
Will the two decades long rebuild of 45N eventually ease traffic, or will it cause employers to move to the suburbs and permanently shift to remote work, killing economic vitality in the downtown area of Houston?

Problem, We Have a Houston – Lot Size Reform Equivalent to $18K Gift for Single-Family Homeowners
Houstonians got a free $18k from minimum lot size reform, but is Houston sliding towards zoning? Houston tops standard of living rankings.

Experts Spar Over Induced Demand and Urban Freeway Expansion
Experts spar over whether urban freeway expansion results in less congestion or not; does added capacity simply lead more drivers to use the freeway?

Charter Amendment Petition Aimed at Regional Transportation Funding Underway
A new group called the Houston-Galveston Area PAC has launched a petition effort focused on reforming the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), the region’s federally-chartered metropolitan planning organization.