Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Post-Pandemic Housing Reality, Alt Cities to CA-NYC Housing Boom
by Tory Gattis — A post-pandemic housing boom is underway in alternative cities as residents flee high housing costs and low quality of life.

Ownership and Opportunity: A New Report from Urban Reform Institute
Ownership and Opportunity, a new report from Urban Reform Institute, explores the connection between homeownership and opportunity for upward mobility.

Upward Mobility Report
In a new report, Upward Mobility — authored by Charles Blain, Wendell Cox and Joel Kotkin — examine how the choice of where to live affects upward mobility for middle and working-class citizens, especially historically disadvantage minorities.

Blue Today, Bluer Tomorrow
Even if Trump is somehow reelected, the wielders of power and influence — will remain deep blue for the foreseeable future. However, progressive policies are failing the working class and minorities they purport to help.

How COVID is Shifting Corporate Location Strategy with Jay Garner
In this episode of the Feudal Future podcast, Jay Garner join hosts Joel and Marshall to explore site selection and how COVID is shifting corporate location strategy.

Houston a Model of Land-Use and Affordable Housing Reform for the Country
by Tory Gattis — For proven housing reform, look at Houston, arguably the most pro-housing city in the country. Houston leads housing affordability for large metros.

Making Sense of Urban Density, Death Rates & Dispersion with Wendell Cox
In this episode of the Feudal Future podcast, urban policy expert and noted demographer Wendell Cox joins hosts Joel and Marshall for a conversation on the COVID-19 pandemic, death rates, and public policy.

The Twilight of Great American Cities is Here. Can We Stop It?
The dreadful death of George Floyd lit a fire that threatens to burn down America’s cities. Already losing population before the pandemic, our major urban centers have provided ideal kindling for conflagration with massive unemployment, closed businesses and already rising crime rates.

Combined Statistical Areas: Ready for the Dispersion Demand
by Wendell Cox — The years to come seem likely to see America’s historic population dispersion continue or accelerate, as pandemic and lockdown worries have severely reduced the attractiveness of dense urban cores.

Social Bonds are Fraying Fast in America’s Cities
by Samuel J. Abrams — The social fabric in our cities is not only rapidly breaking down, but the pandemic has also accelerated American’s interest in leaving cities for places where geography enables social bonds with others to be stronger.