Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Blue Today, Bluer Tomorrow
Even if Trump is somehow reelected, the wielders of power and influence — will remain deep blue for the foreseeable future. However, progressive policies are failing the working class and minorities they purport to help.

A Conservative Opening on Urban Policy Reform
by Charles Blain — As riots and Covid-related economic problems have afflicted America’s big cities, the Right has a rare opportunity to take up the mantle of urban reform.

Where United Airlines Should Establish a New Hub
by Tory Gattis — United Airlines has planes and crews idled by the pandemic - they could establish a new hub somewhere if they wanted to. But where would a new hub fill gaps and make economic sense?

Making Sense of Urban Density, Death Rates & Dispersion with Wendell Cox
In this episode of the Feudal Future podcast, urban policy expert and noted demographer Wendell Cox joins hosts Joel and Marshall for a conversation on the COVID-19 pandemic, death rates, and public policy.

The Twilight of Great American Cities is Here. Can We Stop It?
The dreadful death of George Floyd lit a fire that threatens to burn down America’s cities. Already losing population before the pandemic, our major urban centers have provided ideal kindling for conflagration with massive unemployment, closed businesses and already rising crime rates.

California’s Woke Hypocrisy
by Joel Kotkin — No state wears its multicultural veneer more ostentatiously than California. The Golden State’s leaders believe that they lead a progressive paradise, but Hispanics and Blacks do worse economically in California than elsewhere.

Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All With Mike Shellenberger
On the 7th Feudal Future episode, Mike Shellenberger joins hosts Marshall Toplansky & Joel Kotkin to talk about how environmentalism and housing policies are mismanaged.

How the Virus is Pushing America Toward a Better Future
by Joel Kotkin — Pessimism is the mood of the day, but the virus could push America to a better future, rebuilding a more resilient economy and society, one structured around the people here more than on global capital flows.

Beyond Feudalism: Addressing California’s Inequality Crisis (Live Event)
On the 6th Feudal Future episode, discuss California's inequality crisis and how state policy changes could restore the middle class.

GateWay Second Chance: Why We Need Education & Life Skills For At-Risk Youth
On the 5th Feudal Future episode, Nink Carter joins hosts Marshall Toplansky & Joel Kotkin to talk about education & life skills for at risk youth, and how his nonprofit organizations seek to make a difference.