Building the New America: Report on trends shaping the migration of people and jobs

Report: Building the New America

How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

China’s Planned City Bubble Is About to Pop—and Even You’ll Feel It

By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — U.S. housing planners have long ignored the public’s desire for...

Putting People First

By Wendell Cox An Alternative Perspective with an Evaluation…

How California Could Have Avoided Its Epic Water Crisis

By Alex Manning — California's water crisis is the disaster everybody saw coming but nobody had the political will to stop: Joel Kotkin discusses the Golden State disaster...
Photo Credit: Jason Reed/Reuters

Economic Progress is More Effective Than Protests

By Joel Kotkin Ta-Nehisi Coates and the new wave of black…

What Jane Jacobs Got Wrong About Cities

By Joel Kotkin The peerless urban theorist misunderstood…

Mall’s Washed Up? Not Quite Yet

By Joel Kotkin — The conventional wisdom wrote off the shopping mall long ago, but while no one was looking, the reinvented mall...

Best Poverty Cure: Escape from Baltimore

By William McGurn — New evidence shows minorities now do better in the American South. Of all the “solutions” for post-riot Baltimore, the best poverty cure...

Better Suburbs = Better Cities: Employment and the Importance of the Suburban Economy

By Ross Elliot — Australia’s inner city areas and CBDs are a focus of media and public policy attention, with good reason...

Dispersion and Concentration in Metropolitan Employment

By Wendall Cox The just released County Business Patterns indicates…

America’s Inner Cities Mirror Baltimore’s Woes

By Joel Kotkin... Amid all the happy talk about the revival…