Tag Archive for: feature

Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Our Town: Restoring Localism
In this report, COU addresses the question of how to meet society’s primary challenges. Is it most effective to try and solve our myriad problems from a central federal, state or regional authority, or from a more local one?

America’s Housing Crisis
Center for Opportunity Urbanism is a non-profit dedicated to preserving the American dream and promoting upward mobility for all Americans. This video from COU explores America’s housing crisis --- focusing on the new generation.

The States Gaining And Losing The Most Migrants — And Money
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — When comparing the health of state economies, we usually look at employment and incomes. Another critical indicator worth closer attention is where Americans choose to move, and the places they are leaving.

The future of Mobility
John Sanphillippo examines the new and emerging trends in urban mobility, from van pools to self-driving vehicles and mass transit.

Jerry Brown’s housing hypocrisy
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — Jerry Brown worrying about the California housing crisis is akin to the French policeman played by Claude Rains in “Casablanca” being “shocked, shocked” about gambling at the bar...

Geographies of Inequality
By Joel Kotkin — What's next? San Francisco is now home to 80,000 more dogs than children...

California for whom?
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox — Historically, our state has been a beacon to outsiders seeking a mainstream chance...

UBERPOOL & LYFTLINE: How the New Carpools Will Change Travel
How will new carpool options like LyftLine and UberPool affect…

Urban Future: The Revolt Against Central Planning
By Roger Weber — In Milton Keynes, perhaps the most radical of Britain’s post-Second World War “New Towns,” the battle over Brexit and the culture war that it represents is raging hard. There, the consequences of EU immigration policy, of planning instituted by national authority, and of the grassroots yearning to preserve local character have clashed...

California regulations price middle class out of midlevel homes: Wendell Cox
By Wendell Cox — There is a serious housing affordability crisis in both California and San Bernardino County, and it goes beyond the intractable shortage of affordable housing for low-income households...