Entries by COU

Texas Way of Urbanism

In The Texas Way of Urbanism, COU investigates the economic and demographic growth of the ‘Texas Triangle’, formed by Dallas-Fort Worth at its northern point; Houston at its southeastern edge on the Gulf Coast; and Austin-San Antonio at its western tip in Central Texas.

Joel Kotkin on the Middle Class

In this video Joel Kotkin, Executive Director of the Houston-based Center for Opportunity Urbanism, and Richard Florida discuss the benefits of cities and suburbs, and what they can offer for the middle class and families.

Joel Kotkin on Texas Demographics

In this video Joel Kotkin, Executive Director of the Houston-based Center for Opportunity Urbanism, discusses the demographic trends that put Texas at the forefront of urban growth and job opportunity.

We Can Make Housing More Affordable

By A. Barton Hinkle

The smoke from the dumpster fire of the 2016 presidential election has obscured many important issues, not least of them economic mobility. The difficulty of climbing the economic ladder may be overstated, but it also could be reduced …read more

COU Standard of Living Index

In this report, The COU Standard of Living Index, Wendell Cox provides cost of living estimates for new entrants to metropolitan markets, including prospective home buyers as well as renters.

Alamo Area Growth Summit

November 9, 2016 – San Antonio Business Journal hosts the Alamo Area Growth Summit. Joel Kotkin speaks about the growing economic vitality of Texas.