Houston heralds its diversity and affordability as what makes the city great; at a Houston Business Journal event, urbanism experts discussed its best characteristics and how it can improve.
In The Texas Way of Urbanism, COU investigates the economic and demographic growth of the ‘Texas Triangle’, formed by Dallas-Fort Worth at its northern point; Houston at its southeastern edge on the Gulf Coast; and Austin-San Antonio at its western tip in Central Texas.
https://urbanreforminstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/texas-town-square.jpg5441550COU/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngCOU2016-11-21 05:45:072016-12-11 00:49:20Texas Way of Urbanism
In this video Joel Kotkin, Executive Director of the Houston-based Center for Opportunity Urbanism, and Richard Florida discuss the benefits of cities and suburbs, and what they can offer for the middle class and families.
https://urbanreforminstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/kansas-city-development-council.jpg5601550COU/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngCOU2016-11-18 14:31:132018-06-08 17:55:01Joel Kotkin on the Middle Class
By Dan Benson…
In our recent election, about half the country voted one way and the other half voted the other. But “localism” may be an issue where voters of all stripes can find common ground.
https://urbanreforminstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/article1.jpg500800Dan Benson/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngDan Benson2016-11-15 13:35:162017-03-14 12:49:34Governing Local is Governing Best
By W. Scott Bailey… New data from Joel Kotkin and other experts portrays San Antonio as one of the fastest-growing and most critically important economies in the nation.
https://urbanreforminstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/alamo-growth-summit-panel.jpg4201024W. Scott Bailey/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngW. Scott Bailey2016-11-10 13:08:002017-03-14 12:50:50Post-election growth summit confirms SA now in economic driver’s seat
The smoke from the dumpster fire of the 2016 presidential election has obscured many important issues, not least of them economic mobility. The difficulty of climbing the economic ladder may be overstated, but it also could be reduced …read more
https://urbanreforminstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/housing-construction-albemarle.jpg578762COU/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngCOU2016-11-07 11:31:102016-11-07 11:31:10We Can Make Housing More Affordable
https://urbanreforminstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/housing_and_opportunity_fb-e1477957225992.jpg4051200COU/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngCOU2016-10-31 18:47:182016-11-02 16:40:22Joel Kotkin Makes a Plea for ‘Localism’
In this report, The COU Standard of Living Index, Wendell Cox provides cost of living estimates for new entrants to metropolitan markets, including prospective home buyers as well as renters.
https://urbanreforminstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/cou-living-standard.jpg321845COU/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngCOU2016-10-25 16:43:502016-11-11 16:13:56COU Standard of Living Index
By Rick Harrison — Heavily subsidized renewables haven’t aged well or performed well, but they’ve taken a bite out of tax payers’ pockets. Harrison explores an approach to sustainable energy that is actually economically sustainable…
https://urbanreforminstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/renewables_on_the_grid.jpg4301500COU/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngCOU2016-10-25 15:08:262016-10-25 15:13:12Unsustainable Solutions in the Name of Sustainability
Support The Center for Opportunity Urbanism as we promote people-oriented urbanism.
Houston’s changes, challenges, opportunities, and identity
in Demographics/by Tory GattisBy Tory Gattis
Houston’s changes during the past 30 years have created some challenges, but also is a driver of opportunities that other cities can learn from.
Houston’s age, ethnic diversity present strong opportunities for growth
in Demographics/by Joe MartinBy Joe Martin…
Houston heralds its diversity and affordability as what makes the city great; at a Houston Business Journal event, urbanism experts discussed its best characteristics and how it can improve.
Texas Way of Urbanism
in Reports, Urban Issues/by COUIn The Texas Way of Urbanism, COU investigates the economic and demographic growth of the ‘Texas Triangle’, formed by Dallas-Fort Worth at its northern point; Houston at its southeastern edge on the Gulf Coast; and Austin-San Antonio at its western tip in Central Texas.
Joel Kotkin on the Middle Class
in Suburbs, Video/by COUIn this video Joel Kotkin, Executive Director of the Houston-based Center for Opportunity Urbanism, and Richard Florida discuss the benefits of cities and suburbs, and what they can offer for the middle class and families.
Governing Local is Governing Best
in Urban Issues/by Dan BensonBy Dan Benson…
In our recent election, about half the country voted one way and the other half voted the other. But “localism” may be an issue where voters of all stripes can find common ground.
Post-election growth summit confirms SA now in economic driver’s seat
in Economics/by W. Scott BaileyBy W. Scott Bailey… New data from Joel Kotkin and other experts portrays San Antonio as one of the fastest-growing and most critically important economies in the nation.
We Can Make Housing More Affordable
in Housing/by COUBy A. Barton Hinkle
The smoke from the dumpster fire of the 2016 presidential election has obscured many important issues, not least of them economic mobility. The difficulty of climbing the economic ladder may be overstated, but it also could be reduced …read more
Joel Kotkin Makes a Plea for ‘Localism’
in Planning/by COUBy Laura Bliss — Joel Kotkin, the urban contrarian, talks about why the suburbs offer our best hope for stitching America back together….
COU Standard of Living Index
in Reports, Urban Issues/by COUIn this report, The COU Standard of Living Index, Wendell Cox provides cost of living estimates for new entrants to metropolitan markets, including prospective home buyers as well as renters.
Unsustainable Solutions in the Name of Sustainability
in Housing, Urban Issues/by COUBy Rick Harrison — Heavily subsidized renewables haven’t aged well or performed well, but they’ve taken a bite out of tax payers’ pockets. Harrison explores an approach to sustainable energy that is actually economically sustainable…