Institutional buyers or investors have emerged, for some, as a culprit of the housing affordability crisis, but for officials seeking to address the housing shortage head-on, they should look to onerous local government land-use regulations. AM.png11841732COU/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngCOU2025-02-10 06:34:072025-02-11 06:34:30Institutional Investors and Housing Affordability in Texas
guest post by Oscar Slotboom — A recent TXDoT study reflects a new reality that it is no longer politically feasible to acquire right-of-way for freeway improvements in the Houston area.
Houston tackles missing-middle housing with major land use reform such as reducing minimum lot sizes; small lot single-family zoning is something that has proven to increase housing supply. Gattis/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngTory Gattis2023-11-08 18:20:422023-11-08 18:20:42Missing Middle Land Use Reform in Houston
Strong Towns is a weird urbanist cult that can’t produce hard numbers to back up their assertions suburbia is financially unsustainable (how many suburban municipality bankruptcies have you heard of?).
Texas, renowned for its vast landscapes and independent spirit, has adopted a unique approach to housing development and affordability that sets it apart from many other states. Gattis/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngTory Gattis2023-10-04 18:52:082023-10-04 18:52:08Building the New America: Texas’ Winning Approach to Housing Supply
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today’s migration of people and jobs. Kotkin Wendell Cox Marshall Toplansky Tory Gattis Mark Schill/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngJoel Kotkin Wendell Cox Marshall Toplansky Tory Gattis Mark Schill2023-09-28 08:55:572023-09-28 17:16:41Report: Building the New America
METRO has way too much money for too few riders, and the City could desperately use that money to be redeployed to much higher priorities, like police, street repairs, or just closing the chronic budget gap. 11:59:082023-09-28 17:18:22Houston 1st in Standard of Living Confirmed, 2nd in Fortune 500 HQs
METRO has way too much money for too few riders, and the City could desperately use that money to be redeployed to much higher priorities, like police, street repairs, or just closing the chronic budget gap. Gattis/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngTory Gattis2023-09-11 11:27:202023-09-11 11:27:20METRO Need to Support Higher Priorities for Houston
To save our cities, it’s time to create better neighborhoods where people will want to spend their time — instead of building ever bigger high-rise office buildings.
Where governments have embraced such things as “urban growth boundaries” and greenbelts that restrict new housing on the fringe, expensive housing is the result.
Institutional Investors and Housing Affordability in Texas
in Demographics, Reports/by COUInstitutional buyers or investors have emerged, for some, as a culprit of the housing affordability crisis, but for officials seeking to address the housing shortage head-on, they should look to onerous local government land-use regulations.
Recent TxDOT Study Recommendations Reflect New Reality
in Politics & Policy/by Erik Slotboomguest post by Oscar Slotboom — A recent TXDoT study reflects a new reality that it is no longer politically feasible to acquire right-of-way for freeway improvements in the Houston area.
Missing Middle Land Use Reform in Houston
in Housing, Politics & Policy/by Tory GattisHouston tackles missing-middle housing with major land use reform such as reducing minimum lot sizes; small lot single-family zoning is something that has proven to increase housing supply.
Strong Towns is a Weird Urbanist Cult
in Housing, Politics & Policy/by Tory GattisStrong Towns is a weird urbanist cult that can’t produce hard numbers to back up their assertions suburbia is financially unsustainable (how many suburban municipality bankruptcies have you heard of?).
Building the New America: Texas’ Winning Approach to Housing Supply
in Housing, Politics & Policy/by Tory GattisTexas, renowned for its vast landscapes and independent spirit, has adopted a unique approach to housing development and affordability that sets it apart from many other states.
Report: Building the New America
in Housing, Reports/by Joel Kotkin Wendell Cox Marshall Toplansky Tory Gattis Mark SchillHow do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today’s migration of people and jobs.
Houston 1st in Standard of Living Confirmed, 2nd in Fortune 500 HQs
in Politics & Policy, Urban Issues/by URIadminMETRO has way too much money for too few riders, and the City could desperately use that money to be redeployed to much higher priorities, like police, street repairs, or just closing the chronic budget gap.
METRO Need to Support Higher Priorities for Houston
in Politics & Policy, Urban Issues/by Tory GattisMETRO has way too much money for too few riders, and the City could desperately use that money to be redeployed to much higher priorities, like police, street repairs, or just closing the chronic budget gap.
Save Our Cities
in Demographics, Urban Issues/by Joel KotkinTo save our cities, it’s time to create better neighborhoods where people will want to spend their time — instead of building ever bigger high-rise office buildings.
Urban Sprawl, the Environmentally Friendly Answer to Expensive Housing
in Housing, Planning, Suburbs, Urban Issues/by Joel KotkinWhere governments have embraced such things as “urban growth boundaries” and greenbelts that restrict new housing on the fringe, expensive housing is the result.