Report: Building the New America
How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.

Flexible Remote Work Beating Hybrid Models, Austin’s CA Housing Frenzy
by Tory Gattis — Californians are feeding Austin's housing frenzy, as flexible remote work is beating hybrid models for work.

Astrodome as World’s Largest Climate-Controlled Festival Park, Smart Traffic Lights and more
by Tory Gattis — Could the Astrodome be repurposed as the world’s largest climate-controlled park with a focus on weekend festivals? Having an activated park full of activities and festivals on weekends that is always protected from heat and rain would be a very popular spot for Houstonians.

Houston Land Use Event, 2nd in Tech Growth, and Republican Voters Moving to Texas
by Tory Gattis — I'll be covering some of Houston's land use and zoning history as well as what other cities can learn from Houston in an online event this Tuesday. Plus, what demographic trends are emerging post-pandemic?

My Land Use without Zoning Event, TX #1 for Small Biz
by Tory Gattis — I will be speaking at "Land Use without Zoning: Putting Ideas into Practice", hosted by the Mercatus Center. Understanding how to navigate and remove land-use regulation barriers allows for a dynamic housing market and successful community development.

The Future of Remote Work and What it Means for Houston
by Tory Gattis — What does the post-pandemic future of remote work mean for Houston? Is the city likely to benefit from remote work or not?

The Future of Superstar Cities and Houston, CA’s Problems, Warehouse Glut, Why Tech in HTX
by Tory Gattis — The lead item this week is a really interesting piece my friend George sent me on the future of superstar cities by Matthew Yglesias. I think his observations are directionally correct, but he’s missing some pretty important nuances.

Astrodome Campaign Ideas, MaX Lanes, Pandemic Migration and More
by Tory Gattis — The Astrodome Conservancy starts a campaign to re-engage the public on what to do with the Astrodome. Will they go big? Or, propose a more modest, affordable plan?

Woke Politics a Disaster for Minorities
by Joel Kotkin — Will the woke policies of a Biden administration translate to better lives for minorities? History suggests they could be a disaster.

Bloomberg’s Case for Moving to Houston, URI 2020 Year in Review Video, and More
by Tory Gattis — Bloomberg Businessweek's makes "The Case for Moving to Houston" in a story on high-tech workers leaving the big expensive coastal cities.

Chicago & Positioning: Becoming the Next Middle Class Hub
In this episode of the Feudal Future podcast, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky talk with Pete Saunders about how Chicago can better position itself to become the next middle class hub.