Building the New America: Report on trends shaping the migration of people and jobs

Report: Building the New America

How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.
Nashville's skyline at night

The Politics of Migration: From Blue to Red

by Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox Democratic “blue” state attitudes may dominate the national media, but they can’t yet tell people where to live, which is increasingly in "red" states.
California Outmigration

Leaving California? After Slowing, the Trend Intensifies

by Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox Given its iconic hold on the American imagination, the idea that more Americans are leaving California than coming breaches our own sense of uniqueness and promise.
Tokyo View from Mori Tower

The 37 Megacities and Largest Cities: Demographia World Urban Areas: 2017

by Wendell Cox Many of the world’s biggest cities are getting bigger still. In 2017, the number of megacities --- urban areas with better than ten million people --- increased to 37 in 2017...
Divided Nation

To Reunite America, Liberate Cities to Govern Themselves

by Joel Kotkin and Richard Florida Even setting the dysfunction of our national government, the fact is that no top-down, one-size-fits-all set of policies can address the very different conditions that prevail among communities.
Street view in Coral Gables

Flight From Urban Cores Accelerates: 2016 Metropolitan Area Estimates

by Wendell Cox The flight from the nation’s major metropolitan area core counties increased 60 percent between 2015 and 2016, according to just-released estimates from the US Census Bureau.
The screwed generation turns socialist

The Screwed Generation Turns Socialist

by Joel Kotkin The Depression and WWII shaped the greatest generation, and postwar prosperity shaped the Baby Boomers. Millennials, battered by capitalism, move ever leftward.

Visualizing Houston’s Population Density

by Brian Shreckengast Population density may sound like the most mundane of metrics, a column heading in a city planner’s spreadsheet, but in cities across the U.S. it’s been a source of cultural controversy, guiding where people move and why.
Capitol Dome at dusk

Decentralize Government to Resolve Country’s Divisions

by Joel Kotkin America is increasingly a nation haunted by fears of looming dictatorship. Whether under President Barack Obama’s “pen and phone” rule, or...Read more
Xi'an Demographics

Death Spiral Demographics: The Countries Shrinking The Fastest

by Joel Kotkin For most of recent history, the world has worried about the curse of overpopulation. But in many countries, the problem may soon be too few people, and of those, too many old ones.
Satellite Image of New York CIty

2010-2013 Small Area Data Shows Strong Suburban & Exurban Growth

By Wendell Cox... The latest Census Bureau data indicates that suburban and exurban areas represent the overwhelming share of growth in metropolitan areas…