The continent is now home to 12 of the world’s largest cities and four megacities — and more importantly, Africa has the world’s fastest-growing urban population.
High urban rents make life worse for everyone in countless ways. I expect this “housing theory of everything” to continue to catch on because it’s absolutely right. Gattis/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngTory Gattis2023-02-28 17:32:242023-02-28 17:33:29The Housing Theory of Everything
The City of Houston is trying to sneak through backdoor zoning with an ordinance authorizing “conservation districts”. This legislation is open for public comment: we’ve included the link to make your opposition heard.
China represents the cutting edge of 21st century urbanism. The successes and failures of Chinese cities will shape global perceptions of city life around the world. Sun/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngLi Sun2023-02-15 19:26:452023-02-15 19:27:59The Future of Cities: The Future of Chinese Cities
The Western US has long been an innovator in developing the urban form, notably in the creation of suburbanized, multipolar cities. Yet now that model is showing strain, and there’s a fierce debate about how western cities should grow. 18:51:242023-02-08 18:55:16Views from The Left Coast
Policymakers should expand prison education due to its proven ability to curb incarceration rates by decreasing the likelihood of recidivism. Several studies indicate expanding prison education positively impacts employment and wages of released inmates, which benefits the economy and society at large. García/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngCruz García2023-02-06 14:07:372023-02-06 14:12:50Communities Benefit from the Expansion of Prison Education Programs
As COVID-19 begins to wane and become endemic, the question for policymakers, theorists, and Americans at large is: What is in store for our nation’s big cities? Please return weekly to read each chapter as it is published. J. Abrams/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngSamuel J. Abrams2023-02-03 11:58:582023-02-02 14:12:28The Future of Cities: The Future of the Big American City Is Not Bright
The Texas Triangle is a distinctive model for 21st century urbanism, even after the pandemic. What is it that policy leaders can learn from the success of Texas cities? Please join us as this panel discusses their recent release, The Future of Cities, and how urban areas can reshape themselves in a post-COVID-19 world. 11:48:272023-01-26 12:05:49Future of Cities Event: Speaker Panel February 9
This chapter describes general urbanization trends in the United States and around the world, from 1950 to the present. This book is being published as a series, with permission of the American Enterprise Institute. Please return weekly to read each chapter as it is published. Cox/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngWendell Cox2023-01-26 07:25:492023-01-23 18:55:39The Future of Cities: The Great Dispersion
Before urban amenities and jobs existed, these were places of aspirations with ambitious founders.This book is being published as a series, with permission of the American Enterprise Institute. Please return weekly to read each chapter as it is published. Streeter/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/URI-logo-claret.pngRyan Streeter2023-01-20 07:40:312023-01-17 14:46:55The Future of Cities: American Aspiration is Metropolitan
Support The Center for Opportunity Urbanism as we promote people-oriented urbanism.
The Future of Cities: Africa’s Urban Future
in Urban Issues/by Hügo Krüger and Bheki MahloboThe continent is now home to 12 of the world’s largest cities and four megacities — and more importantly, Africa has the world’s fastest-growing urban population.
The Housing Theory of Everything
in Demographics, Housing/by Tory GattisHigh urban rents make life worse for everyone in countless ways. I expect this “housing theory of everything” to continue to catch on because it’s absolutely right.
City of Houston Sneaking Through Backdoor Zoning
in Economics, Planning/by Tory GattisThe City of Houston is trying to sneak through backdoor zoning with an ordinance authorizing “conservation districts”. This legislation is open for public comment: we’ve included the link to make your opposition heard.
The Future of Cities: The Future of Chinese Cities
in Urban Issues/by Li SunChina represents the cutting edge of 21st century urbanism. The successes and failures of Chinese cities will shape global perceptions of city life around the world.
Views from The Left Coast
in Housing, Planning, Suburbs, Urban Issues/by COUThe Western US has long been an innovator in developing the urban form, notably in the creation of suburbanized, multipolar cities. Yet now that model is showing strain, and there’s a fierce debate about how western cities should grow.
Communities Benefit from the Expansion of Prison Education Programs
in Education/by Cruz GarcíaPolicymakers should expand prison education due to its proven ability to curb incarceration rates by decreasing the likelihood of recidivism. Several studies indicate expanding prison education positively impacts employment and wages of released inmates, which benefits the economy and society at large.
The Future of Cities: The Future of the Big American City Is Not Bright
in Urban Issues/by Samuel J. AbramsAs COVID-19 begins to wane and become endemic, the question for policymakers, theorists, and Americans at large is: What is in store for our nation’s big cities? Please return weekly to read each chapter as it is published.
Future of Cities Event: Speaker Panel February 9
in Event, Urban Issues/by COUThe Texas Triangle is a distinctive model for 21st century urbanism, even after the pandemic. What is it that policy leaders can learn from the success of Texas cities? Please join us as this panel discusses their recent release, The Future of Cities, and how urban areas can reshape themselves in a post-COVID-19 world.
The Future of Cities: The Great Dispersion
in Urban Issues/by Wendell CoxThis chapter describes general urbanization trends in the United States and around the world, from 1950 to the present. This book is being published as a series, with permission of the American Enterprise Institute. Please return weekly to read each chapter as it is published.
The Future of Cities: American Aspiration is Metropolitan
in Urban Issues/by Ryan StreeterBefore urban amenities and jobs existed, these were places of aspirations with ambitious founders.This book is being published as a series, with permission of the American Enterprise Institute. Please return weekly to read each chapter as it is published.