Tag Archive for: transportation

Building the New America: Report on trends shaping the migration of people and jobs

Report: Building the New America

How do we build a new urban model for America — one that is better aligned with the aspirations of most Americans? This newly released report examines the housing trends that are driving today's migration of people and jobs.
Graph showing a cross-section of proposals for I-45

Recent TxDOT Study Recommendations Reflect New Reality

guest post by Oscar Slotboom — A recent TXDoT study reflects a new reality that it is no longer politically feasible to acquire right-of-way for freeway improvements in the Houston area.
Austin, Texas light rail project

Texas Transportation Projects Update

Texas transportation projects update: the legislative regular session ended on Memorial Day. Transportation related issues were mostly low priority, and the Senate focused mainly on a few important long-term funding bills.
Houston Metro Transit Bus

BRT Should Use Shared Not Dedicated Lanes, HTX #1 real estate market, and more

METRO's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) plan should use shared lanes rather than dedicated lanes to minimize traffic congestion.
The rebuild of 45N could hasten the demise of downtown Houston

Is the 18 year Rebuild of 45N a Good Thing or Will it Kill Downtown?

Will the two decades long rebuild of 45N eventually ease traffic, or will it cause employers to move to the suburbs and permanently shift to remote work, killing economic vitality in the downtown area of Houston?
Reason interviews Tory Gattis about Houston's affordability and lack of zoning

Reason Interviews Tory Gattis About Houston’s Affordability

Reason interviews me (Tory Gattis) about Houston's unorthodox, unzoned approach to land-use regulation and how it reduces our homelessness, as well as my suggested solution for zoned cities.
School Choice Week – students supporting TeachersGage Skidmore, used under CC 2.0 License

The Decisive Argument for School Choice

The best argument for school choice: in states that have implemented it, public schools for low-income students have gotten dramatically better even while not losing many students!
Roy Luck

Does METRO’s Advertising Budget Influence Local Reporting?

Is Metro's advertising influencing local reporting? Local media runs ads that promotes the use of Metro services, and is mostly silent on ridership decline.
METRO subsidy is higher than the cost of annual car ownership for a small sedan

METRO subsidizes riders higher than the cost of car ownership!

guest post by Oscar Slotboom — The current level of METRO subsidy means that every regular Metro customer is costing taxpayers the cost of annual car ownership.
Lot size reform puts money in pocket of Houston homeowners

Problem, We Have a Houston – Lot Size Reform Equivalent to $18K Gift for Single-Family Homeowners

Houstonians got a free $18k from minimum lot size reform, but is Houston sliding towards zoning? Houston tops standard of living rankings.
I-45N junction with the 10Dhanix, used under CC 3.0 License

Experts Spar Over Induced Demand and Urban Freeway Expansion

Experts spar over whether urban freeway expansion results in less congestion or not; does added capacity simply lead more drivers to use the freeway?